Monday, September 30, 2019

Price, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Activities Essay

Ferraris are a luxury good, known for their performance and prestige with prices of up to  £500,000. In this study there will be an effort to evaluate if a Ferrari would still be as desirable if it was available at  £20,000. To do this we must examine the relationship between the behaviours of consumers and price with a further examination of marketing activities. Firstly we need to define what consumer behaviour, price and marketing activities are, by understanding the consumer we can then create products that meets their wishes and needs which is vital in achieving success. An investigation of the Utilitarian (rational) consumption model will follow allowing the identification of driving factors that affect consumer’s decisions. This allows the introduction of Pricing, viewing towards perceived quality and value. The contrasting Hedonic view allows the introduction of socio-psychological factors on consumer behaviour such as personality and social class. We must appreciate our level of involvement with the product and what factors this may cause. This will allow us to fully appreciate whether the change in price will result in the Ferrari still being as desirable as when it was at a higher price. The study of consumer behaviour â€Å"is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires† (Soloman et al, 2002, p4). Therefore by studying what factors affect how and why consumers make these consumption decisions, marketers may be able to understand and therefore adapt to these decisions. Consumer behaviour incorporates ideas from many different disciplines such as psychology, sociology and economics. (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000), in a marketing context we take note of all these concepts and try to come to a balanced answer. A full examination of consumer behaviour looks at how consumers maximise their utility (satisfaction) based on a cost-benefit analysis of price and product scarcity, this was thought of the Utilitarian or rational way of behaviour. (Baines et al, 2011). The key determinant is that the functional benefits must be greater than the costs exp ended. Very often we would class the cost expended as being the price paid for an item, this is a difficult term to classify but is best explained by Baines, Fill and Page (2011), (p331) â€Å"we consider price as the amount the customer has to pay or exchange to receive a good or service†. This however fails to mention that how consumers â€Å"perceive a price-as high, as low, as fair- has a strong influence on both purchase intentions and purchase satisfaction.† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p 144). For example a passenger who paid  £1 for his Ryanair flight will feel more satisfied one who paid  £71 due to purchasing at a later date. Here we look at whether a Ferrari is still as desirable at a lower price, to do this we must examine how customers affect to a change in prices, known in economic terms as the elasticity of demand. This measure how much demand will shift as a result of a change in price. To do this we can look at how in rational thinking consumers wish the be nefits to outweigh the costs, the benefits of buying a new Ferrari may be the quality and value you get for the price you paid. However as each person has a different wished level of quality we use the term ‘perceived quality’, often based on â€Å"informational cues that they associate with the product† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p145). Looking at the relationship between the perceived qualities and pricing often it is thought that price reflects quality (Baines et al, 2011). This is challenged by the aspect we take our perceived quality from many cues, not just price, such as more extrinsic values such as brand image. Therefore it can be classes that â€Å"consumers use price as a surrogate indicator of quality if they have little or no information to go on† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p150). The idea of brand image as a cue introduces the more hedonic concept of feelings, desires and perceptions into the consumer’s decision. As already discussed prices and quality are not measured in purely rational terms they encompass our perceptions of the product, price and measure of quality. Our perceptions are personal to us and it is vital for marketers to understand what factors may affect these perceptions. To do this we must understand how consumption may be irrational (hedonic) involving the â€Å"multi-sensory, fantasy and emotional aspects of consumers’ interaction with products† (Soloman et al, 2002, p37). This view stresses that we purchase products because of how they make us feel or look to others. This is sometimes classed as emotional or socio-psychological buying (Baines et al, 2011). The stark difference between utilitarian and hedonic consumption can be seen in the process of proposition acquisition. We draw up a motive for acquiring the product; this may be out of functional (rational) or desire (irrational) means. We then gather information on the product drawing up a shortlist of brands, followed by an evaluation of the proposition. When it comes to the purchase of the item it is important to consider â€Å"the personal importance a person attaches to a given communication message† (Baines et al, 2011, p 90) this is classes as the person’s involvement. As discussed in Fill (2009, p174) the characteristics involved with involvement can be seen in three phases, that of contextual elements, the influencers and the outcomes. Our level of involvement with a product can play a role in the price fairness we perceive for this product. At states of low involvement where â€Å"the purchase suggests little risk to the consumer† (Fill, 2009, p176) we require little information and use past experiences to make our decisions. However at high levels of involvement where, â€Å"a consumer perceives an expected purchase that is not only of high personal relevance but also represents a high level of perceived risk† (Fill, 2009, p 176), consumers will invest a great deal of time researching the item to reduce the perceived risk and will draw on extrinsic information and may draw more on hedonic terms. The relationship between price and involvement can be seen at both levels, at low levels price allows individuals to discriminate between low-involvement purchase decisions as â€Å"price, packaging, and point of purchase displays and promotion’s work together to cue and stimulate an individual into trying a product.† (Fill, 2009, p 180) At high levels of involvement price is not such a determining factor, with other factors playing a more significant role. Involvement does not juts affect the importance placed on price it also affects how a product is marketed to the consumer. This raises Ratchfords (1987) thoughts of involvement being linked with feeling and thinking. He sought to think how people thought about products and class them as high/low involvement and whether they were a product you bought rationally, what you thought of the product, or irrationally, how the product made you feel. In this instance the purchase of a Ferrari which would have been a high involvement/feeling product there is â€Å"a need for emotional advertising† (Baines et al, 2011, p91). With the shift in price it can be argued that the product has now became a high involvement/thinking product so more informative advertising is needed. Further links between price, consumer behaviour and price can be seen in Fill (2009, p 181) arguing that at low levels of involvement consumers will â€Å"decide upon their usual brand until they notice a price promotion† ,this then may be become there habitual buying pattern. As discussed earlier at high levels of involvement, more emotional and informative advertising is used there are many reasons for this including that factors such as lifestyle, social class and personality can all affect our hedonic consumption. In the sphere of personality there are three main approaches. Firstly the psychoanalytic approach Freud outlined how we are driven by subconscious drives in three parts our ID, Ego and Superego. It is argued that certain products are bought to fulfil our needs and urges such as the purchase of a Ferrari. The reduction of price may then not allow us to fulfil this urge. A differing approach is that of Trait theory, where we are classified by our types of personality. The purchase of a  £500,000 car may be seen as fulfilling one personality type, by reducing the price to  £20,000 the market segment may change and as â€Å"car manufacturers†¦ market products on the basis of personality types† (Baines et al, 2011, p96) this may ch ange the whole marketing process and the way this process is presented. The final school of thought is the Self Concept Approach that we â€Å"buy goods†¦ for the brand they represent and its relation to the buyer’s perception of their own self-concept or personality.†(Baines et al, 2011, p96). In this model it may be argued that price is a determinant factor as we may buy to show we can pay high prices to others. Added to this is the idea that the brand gives you a self-image therefore a change in the price can affect the branding and may lead you to a different purchase decision. The price change may also change what reference group a Ferrari would belong to it may no longer be an aspiration so may become less desirable. The change in price may however be beneficial when looking at consumer behaviour in relation to lifecycle and social class. Focussing on lifecycle â€Å"we hypothesize that people in the same stages of life purchase and consume similar kinds of products† (Baines et al, 2011, p108), a £500,000 Ferrari may fall into the stage of empty nest 1, where there is large disposable income, the shift downwards in price will allow a Ferrari to become more accessible to different stages of the lifecycle, thus making it more desirable to these groups. To conclude pricing, consumer behaviour and marketing activities are all linked. By determining whether the consumption is either rational or irrational we can investigate the level of involvement one may have with that product. This then allows us to look at how perceived values, price and quality link with the way the consumer behaves. As consumer behaviour study evolves from â€Å"early emphasis on rational choice†¦to a focus on apparently irrational buying needs† (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982, p132) we are able to investigate other factors that may relate to consumer behaviour such as lifestyle, social class and what level of involvement is involved. As we can see in rational decisions there is a link between price and behaviour, with the benefits outweighing the costs, the same can be said at decisions of low involvement. However other extrinsic factors have to be considered when making higher involvement decisions. The decrease in price therefore may make the Ferrari more desirable if you are making the purchase at a low involvement level however at a higher level other factors need to be considered to give a true representation of its desirability. Reference List Books and Ebooks Baines, P. Fill, C. Page, A., (2011), Marketing, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press Fill, C. (2009), Marketing Communications : Interactivity, Communities And Content., 5th ed., Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Schiffman, L,G. and Kanuk, L,L. (2000), Consumer Behaviour, 7th ed., London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M. K. (2006) Consumer behaviour: a European perspective, 3rd ed., Harlow: Financial Times. Lecture Notes C18FM1 2012/2013 Online Journals Holbrook, M, & Hirschman, E (1982),. ‘The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun’, Journal Of Consumer Research, 9, 2, pp. 132-140, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 22 October 2012.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Instilling Conscience-To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

In â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Atticus finch used many quotes to instill conscience on his children. For example: â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. † That means that you shouldn’t judge someone until you really know how they are feeling on the inside. He also uses: The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience. † That means that your conscience doesn’t really tolerate. He also uses: â€Å"Bad language is a stage all children go through, and it dies with time when they learn they’re not attracting attention with it. That means you only curse of use profanity for attention. Atticus Finch demonstrates his love for Jem and Scout by providing them with an education. For example although Scout doesn’t like school enough to pretend to be ill, Atticus keeps urging and convincing her to go to school. Atticus loves his daughter enough to see that getting an education is really important. However, instead of forcing her rudely, he gives her the choice of whether or not to succeed in life, but at the end Scout knows she must consider his opinion and what her father says. In addition, Atticus teaches Scout how to read at an early age and continues to help her practice by reading the newspaper with her every evening. This takes time and he is such a busy lawyer, time is needed for Atticus. Reflecting on what Atticus has done for his children in the novel â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, we can see that he cares very much about Jem and Scout’s futures, and this shows us he really loves both of his children. By providing his children with a relatively excessively amount of freedom, Atticus demonstrates he wants his children to feels free as long as they respect people. For example, Atticus does not limit who Jem and Scout consort with to those who have respectable family backgrounds. Atticus allows his children to judge all people equally and choose their friends or themselves. This is a very special privilege considering that the Finch’s live in southern Alabama, where most people were still prejudged toward African Americans after slavery. Looking at the prestigious Finch family background, we can also see the importance of the privilege. In addition, Atticus allows Scout to dress herself and choose her own clothes as she prefers. She of course dressed herself like a boy and around that time girls were expected to dress like â€Å"ladies† (lady like). Giving his children the right to live their lives with their own power of will or choice, Atticus shows compassion for his children by giving them responsibility and making them responsible. Atticus Finch is a typical man, but as a parent Atticus proves to deviate from the main swing of the Maycomb society. The Maycomb society dictates that children are raised in a traditional matter. The children should do everything they are told and all thoughts they may have are worthless and have no meaning. Atticus does the opposite of the basic principle of the Maycomb society. He lets Jem and Scout to commit their own volition and provides with as much freedom as anyone else. Although his children don’t like going to school, Atticus guides and gets them through long and boring school years. In conclusion Atticus’s methods of raising his children and shoeing his love and respect for them definitely affected their personalities and behavior. In the book â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Atticus is a man who believes in doing the right thing. He takes on the job as Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. He does not know if Robinson is innocent or not at first, but he knows that defending him is the right thing to do. Atticus is well aware that by taking the responsibility as Tom’s lawyer it will not be a popular decision. By taking his position he teaches his children about social responsibility, courage, and taking a stand against something even if you have to stand on the opposite side of the moral majority. Atticus is such a fair and honest man who shares so much wisdom with his children through his actions. Atticus teaches his family that one cannot prejudge people. Just because they may be Cunningham’s, or Mr.  Raymond, doesn’t mean the assumptions that people hear are true. They learn to not fear and hate Mrs. Dubose, when Atticus forces Jem to read to her. Their assumption that she was a mean old lady does not let them see why, until she passed and Atticus explains that she was fighting a drug addiction and was constantly in. When Scout punishes Walter because the teacher did not understand about the Cunningham’s ways, he is invited to come to dinner at the Finch’s house. After her teasing him about her ways, she is quickly discipline by both Atticus and Cal about her manners towards others. Atticus is a man of with a strong sense of equality and fairness and tolerance. He decides to accept defending Tom Robinson (a black man) he receives the case and decides to take action, despite the way his neighbors and the community think, He pushes his family to stand by him without violence towards the people that disagree with him protecting Tom. In essence he teaches his children to tolerate those from other races and do what is right regardless of one’s color, even if it may be received poorly by ones community. He also teaches Jem and Scout the importance of standing up for what you believe in. t is through defending black man Tom Robinson that Atticus knew that there was little chance of acquitting Tom but he believed that he could somehow make a difference in the way that black people were prosecuted. Atticus knows that helping Tom is the right thing to do and thus, carries out the job he accepted. The children are taught this through Atticus’ most famous quote â€Å"shoot all the blue jays you want†¦ but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†, the mockingbird relates to different characters in the book including Tom Robinson. Atticus also uses the children’s obsession with Boo Radley to teach them to tolerate those who are different. Thus Atticus teaches everyone how to tolerate others and how to stand up for what is right even if it may be unpopular. The children’s biggest assumption is found to be false, because Boo Radley, the man that ate squirrels saved them. The children are taught this through Atticus’ most famous quote â€Å"shoot all the blue jays you want†¦ but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†, the mockingbird relates to different characters in the book including Boo Radley. The mockingbird is compared to Boo Radley as at the end of the novel when he rescues the children from Bob Ewell, Heck Tate tries to convince Atticus that it was not Jem who stabbed Bob but Boo. Boo is extremely timid and frightened and thus, Heck sees no point in prosecuting him as it would bring him into the limelight and he would have to testify in front of many people. Heck feels that the dead and dealt with the dead and strongly believes that no further negotiation is needed. Courage is the most important lesson taught to the children in this lesson.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Diversity (cultures) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Diversity (cultures) - Essay Example Usually, the need to form a team arises from the need either to get things done more efficiently, using lesser time and effort (Mattson, 1998). And with this, the idea of a cross-cultural team sprouted up. Studies and researches were done to understand whether it would be of competitive advantage for a certain company if there are team members from different cultural backgrounds and how such differences can be understood and will not pose any problem for the company. With the continuing movement of the economy - may it be a decline or growth - every businesses and companies are using every possible means to keep the company at a stable end. Every organization must have the capability to adapt to the movement of the market and the ever-changing needs of the customers. However, an organization can only do this if the people - the very members of the workforce - are working smoothly as a team. Moreover, now that diversity in the workforce is seen as advantage rather than a problem, management have been seeking every possible means to maintain the competitiveness of each and every member of the workforce, thereby benefiting the company in the end (Becker, 1964). Diversity in the workplace has taken on a new face today. ... Moreover, now that diversity in the workforce is seen as advantage rather than a problem, management have been seeking every possible means to maintain the competitiveness of each and every member of the workforce, thereby benefiting the company in the end (Becker, 1964). Diversity in the workplace has taken on a new face today. Nowadays, workplace diversity is no longer just about the issue of anti-discrimination compliance. Leveraging workplace diversity is increasingly seen as a vital strategic resource for competitive advantage of the people and of the business. More companies are linking workplace diversity to their strategic goals and objectives. Because of this, the human resource department (HRD) plays a key role in diversity management and leadership to create and empower an organizational culture that fosters a respectful, inclusive, knowledge-based environment where each employee has the opportunity to learn, grow and meaningfully contribute to the organization's success (Jayne and Dipboye, 2004). Organizations intending to introduce multiculturalism in their workforce have two avenues of guidance. Organizations can base their structures on multicultural pedagogy and team management theory to help them prepare for an increasingly diverse workforce. Companies can benefit from academic studies, which have already provided an outline of difficulty. Pedagogical methodologies facilitate the re-conception of the relationship between the self and the 'other', and the active participation in the learning process. On the other hand, industry's team management theory, which recommends participatory structures over hierarchical structures, offers methods for

Friday, September 27, 2019

NHS Health Provision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

NHS Health Provision - Essay Example The health service was an important aspect, so it had to exist, with reasons for its existence ranging from: Financial constrains for the hospitals which were volunteering; The 2nd world war which ensured an emergency medical service was ensured as part of the war effort; Emergence of the view that every human being had the right to health care, and it should not be something given to people charity thought they needed; The wide spread effect of war that saw it possible that the system was changed rather than modified; Mutual agreement that services that existed were in disarray, and something had to be done to sort it; and Young members who practiced medicine saw a better way of handling things hence its existence (NHS core principles, 2005). One of the major health care provisions in the national hospital service was the development of a network that would handle unplanned and emergency care services. This was an inter-organisation development criterion which was effective as a too l that would support the required changes in interrelated services. These were intensive care networks, emergency care networks and surgical service networks. The subtopic on emergency care networks is solely based on the fact that it is used by the public as a port of call which is safe for most, if not all of their problems. This is especially so if the other agencies are shut (Enthoven, 2000). Over the years as a result, services have been built in this department and also their knowledge in distinct areas such as minor injuries which accounts for 2/3 of the workload, trauma services which estimates to approximately 2% of the work in most of the departments and major injuries which accounts for work in balance. Such specialist services needed competent individuals around in a sort of shift patterns and a rota. Surgical services are becoming highly specialised, and some anaesthetists’ and surgeons’ ability to be flexible in that they can cross-over in general areas i s becoming a challenge. This in turn, creates pressure in mid-sized and smaller general district hospitals, in that their staff is small and cannot meet the new shifts and rota layered down by the existing rules. This pressure is due to concentration of staff members in areas of excellence such as cardiology, neurosurgery, cancer, urology, paediatrics and ophthalmology; increase in the percentage of daily case surgery which includes the transfer of some cases out of private sectors in east London (public policy reforms and the National Health Service strategic development agenda) (Oakley 2009, p. 13-15). The National Health Service was created out of thought that healthcare services to a person should be available regardless of wealth. This was based on these three core principles: It should not be based on a person’s ability to pay but on essential clinical needs, It should meet the needs of each and every one, At the point of delivery it should be free, The three principles have seen that the development of the national hospital service is guided for over sixty years and remaining at its pillar core. The department of health in March 2011 published the National Hospital Service. In its content were the guiding principle of the NHS and the publics’ right as an NHS patient. These rights did a wide coverage of the quality of care a NHS patient receives, an NHS patient right, confidentiality, programmes and treatments available to the patient and the patient’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Music in the Twentieth Century Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Music in the Twentieth Century - Case Study Example An artiste achieves his goals through distortion, embellishment, primitivism, and castle in the sky and throughout the glowing, raucous, fierce, or vibrant use of formal rudiments. In a broad sense Expressionism is one of the major existences of arts of 19th and 20th centuries, and its excellences of vastly individualistic, delicate, spontaneous expressiveness are distinctive of a wide array of contemporary artistes and arty groups (Norman 1985). Expressionism is the past continuance of the common practice era. Not like Neo-classicism, which was a come back to the ancient times, expressionism pursued an almost continuous procession. Expressionism is often linked with the word ATONAL (which is equivalent of "without a tonal center") (Arnold 1967). Harshly speaking, this is vague, since the entire playing fields are in Expressionism are of equivalent meaning. Most inquisitive changes that come to mind are that tunes and harmonies be likely to build in a similar way. There is small, if some, difference between perpendicular and parallel configurations; in the Common practice era, melodies had a prevalence of step-by-step movements but harmonies were built in 3rds. Expressionism has a propensity for utilizing the same doctrine in constructing them both. Not like Impressionism, its objectives were not to make a re... The hunt for harmony and various forms of melody isn't as imperative as aiming to attain the maximum expressional strength, both from the aesthetic standpoint and consistent with inspiration and human being critics. Although openly atonal, Pierrot lunaire scores a come back to counterpoint and looks ahead to the prearranged "atonality of serialism" (Allen 2002). But, the feature of Schoenberg's Expressionist way which had the maximum impact on later on musicians and composers was his beginning of melody as open and free, twelve-tone chromatic pitch where any pattern of pitches could operate as a "standard" (Allen 2002). Appropriate composition, where every work describes its own exacting language and way, can only be comprehended in context of these new broader perimeters. The work "Au clair de la lune, Mon ami Pierrot" is a histrionic, a form well-liked at the moment, containing poems spoken beside an instrumental backdrop (Allen 2002). Schoenberg's label explains the work of art as "three times seven poems by Albert Giraud in German translation by Otto Erich Hartleben." Pierrot lunaire is the final imperative work of Schoenberg's Expressionist era (1907 to World War I ). An extremely influential part is the influence of expressionism on musical approach. Towards the closing stages of the 19th century, there was a rising gap between traditionalists' areas of skill and pioneering ones, conventional in a variety of themes (Norman 1985). This 'distance' can be simply noticed in Vienna's structural designs: the majority of organizational structures in the region of the Ringstrae were constructed in neo-Classical way, convening the flavor of the rather dyed-in-the-wool Habsburgs and other graciousness (Norman 1985). More or less this time

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Visual Response & Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Visual Response & - Essay Example the society was confined in following the social dogma without asking questions, many a things were considered taboo and they were supposed to remain so. The poem Howl is a poem that was screaming out in protest against a destructive and abusive society but the that is not how the society saw it then and for this the publisher and distributor of the book was arrested and charged with distribution of explicit and obscene material though they were pardoned after the poet Mark Schorer testified that â€Å"Ginsberg uses the rhythms of ordinary speech and diction and I would say that the poem uses necessarily the language of vulgarity.† From a glance Howl may appear as a random jumble of words or mere vomit on a page and that is what critics had done before but it can be seen the poet’s crazy rush is delicately controlled. The poet seems to be in a rush, the whole poem is tedious, and tiring to read yet it remains bearable. The whole poem expresses the need to break away from tradition. It does not keep the traditional meter and rhythm of a poem it is more of stream of consciousness writing and in this way, the poet was able to bring out his themes. Freedom is one of the things that the poet cries out for, He talks about personal freedom as well as freedom for the masses. The conformist society wants things done as per tradition. The poet talks from a homosexuals point of view and freely uses words that the society finds obscene and vulgar. The poet and his friends do a lot of travelling and one of the ways of breaking loose is by travelling. The mention of Moloch reminds the reader of the god of prisons governments and boring suburbia Madness is also a prominent theme in the poem. The title of the poem is Howl. Its more common for animals to howl than for human to do s. the opening of Howl starts by saying â€Å"I saw the very best of minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical nakedness.† In the poem, the people who society consider normal the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Business Report - Essay Example The most recent count of the dead in 7,000 and rising, and as rescue efforts escalate various problems are starting to emerge relating to the difficulties in distributing aid, and the challenges in successfully managing the logistics tied to the relief process. In some areas that are the most badly hit and where the people have been chronically in need of help, the aid simply has not arrived. It is in this spirit that this business report is written, with an eye to exploring new products that can be deployed and used in disaster areas such as Nepal, with the aim of helping the displaced Nepalese in the most effective manner. The logistics of delivering aid to those who are most in need of them in disaster-struck areas such as Nepal require novel solutions, and require creativity in the use of available new technologies and products in order to crack seemingly intractable problems, save lives, and give hope to both rescue providers and the most desperate and destitute victims. The ear thquake in Nepal and the dire situation of the people who are in the disaster areas highlight the importance and the urgency of the use and availability of such new products. The problem lies in unearthing these products and creatively making use of them for them precisely in order to help in the direst situations in badly hit parts of Nepal and other such zones of disaster. The purpose of this business report is to present new products that can be deployed and used in disaster-hit areas (Khan; Burke).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critical Evaluation of Andragogy against Other Learning Theories in Essay

Critical Evaluation of Andragogy against Other Learning Theories in Relation to Adult - Essay Example Most of its assumptions are derived from animal research whereby, Behaviourism, influenced by Thorndike, Pavlov, and Skinner mostly, postulates that learning is a change in observable behaviour caused by external stimuli in the environment.Researchers like John B. Watson and Edward L. Thorndike based most of their focus on laboratory experimentation from where they generated the famous stimulus-response model as they believed that the inner experiences that were the focus of psychology could not be properly studied as they were not observable. In behaviourist orientation to learning, the principles of contiguity (how close in time two events must be for a bond to be formed) and reinforcement (any means of increasing the likelihood that an event will be repeated) are central to explaining the learning process. Using consequences to control the occurrence of behaviour, known as operant conditioning - reinforcing what you want people to do again; ignoring or punish what you want people to stop doing, behaviourists generalize their findings from animal research to human learning patterns in classrooms. ... This orientation to learning has been criticized for its overly deterministic nature of the conditioning theory derived from only empirical evidence of stimulus-response behaviour of animals which, sensibly, cannot be so indiscriminately applied to humans. Their overdependence on single events, stimuli and overt behaviours to judge and evaluate human mind and measuring human learning quantitatively, totally ignoring the cognitive processes in the learner's mind are in great opposition to the views of the cognitivists.Humanistic theorists, on the other hand, advocate the type of education that is both intellectual and emotional, taking into account the personal experience of the learners involved. Humanistic theories basically emerged in 1960's, following the publication of A S. Neill's book called Summerhill, as a reaction to behaviourist methods and was particularly attractive to post-16 education with students who had not succeeded within the traditional school system. Neill's syst em was a radical approach to child rearing which represented the true principle of "education without fear". In his book Summerhill, Neill maintains a firm faith "in the goodness of the child" believing that the average child is not born a soulless automaton, but has full potentialities. The aim of education, according to him, should include both cognitive and emotional development of the trainees helping them to respond to life not just with their brain but also their whole personality, a feature that has been lacking in modern society.Perhaps the most persuasive exploration of a humanistic orientation to learning camefrom Carl Rogers, a gifted teacher, who was able to demystify therapy; focus on the person of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

City of the Beasts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

City of the Beasts - Essay Example The book is a magical journey into the heart of the jungle as well as Alex's journey towards self discovery under the most unexpected circumstances. Nadia and Alex both find their inner strengths through visions and their interactions with the tribe. Through their encounters with the "People of the Mist", City of the Beasts encourages readers to look beyond what is seen by the naked eye and listen beyond what the ears can hear. City of the Beasts clearly reveals that there is beauty even in the evil looking creatures and how people are easily swayed by outside appearance of individuals. Listening by the heart is also shown as a way to understanding things which cannot be fully grasped by our senses. The story also revolves on the painful realities of the worlds such as racial discrimination, catastrophic decisions on the environment, abuse of power, and corrupt officials. However, though the story is crafted with essential lessons it also has some pitfalls. The book drew a picture of the world based on popular clichs. All the modern persons in the story are depicted as destructive and tough, sometimes to the point of being inhumane.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Appropriate Climate Responsive Technologies for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development Essay Example for Free

Appropriate Climate Responsive Technologies for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development Essay Life is strange; we don’t know what would be the next moment of it? What will it bring to us? What will it take from us? If it will raise us to the top of our happiest moment or it will throw us in the dark of death? We only knew to respond its moves. Its human nature to keep hope for the best. We never ever think about the end of life, instead we always think about the most remarkable, comfortable easy-going journey of life. And to do this, we have been working since our very first scientific finding of Fire†¦ Change is being the law of nature, and we made it a habit to respond the change. We responded, but we forgot to respect it. Now, climate change is the most serious challenge human society has ever faced and everybody including business houses have already realized the gravity of the issue. Greed for the energy and power of the human society is leading to the emission of carbon right from the ancient time. And now we are suffering with climate change. Climate change is a global environmental problem which has been receiving intense political attention both at domestic and international levels. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) defines ‘climate change’ as a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods. The major characteristics of climate change include rise in average global temperature, ice cap melting, changes in precipitation, and increase in ocean temperature leading to sea level rise. Precisely at a time when India is confronted with development imperatives, we have been severely impacted by climate change. Like other developed countries, several sections of Indian populance are not being able to buffer themselves from impacts of global warming. With close economic ties to natural resources and climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water forestry, India is facing a major threat and requires serious adaptive capacity to combat climate change. As a developing country, India can little afford the rise economic backlashes that industrialized nations can. With 27. 5% of the population still below the poverty line, reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change is essential. Although not an emitter historically , India currently has one of the fastest growing economies in the world with a government target 8% GDP to achieve development priorities, a share of one sixth of the global population, and changing consumption patterns, India’s emissions are set to increase dramatically. The International Energy Agency predicts that India will become the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases by as early as 2015. Besides this, developing countries are still emitting carbon greenhouse gases at higher rates, contributing to the climate changes. Use of the fossile fuels, coal at large extent is the basic reason for the carbon emission. Power sector is 28. 9% of greenhouse gas emission, while domestic sector where coal LPG, wood kerosene are being used as fuel is contributing 6. 4% followed by industrial sector 12. % and construction sector 9. 7 %( required for production of steel, cement brick, etc. ) Technology simply means the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, has a very vital role in the strategies to mitigate climate change. In 1987, the United Nations released the Brundtland Report, which included what is now one of the most widely recognized definitions: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The World commission on Environment Development has defined ‘Sustainable Development’ as balancing the fulfillment of the human needs with protection of the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. In simple words, we want a development which lasts for the infinite time without any harm to the nature as well as society. The word sustainable has been used in too many situations today, and ecological sustainability is one of those terms that confuse a lot of people. You hear about sustainable development, sustainable growth, sustainable economies, sustainable societies, and sustainable agriculture. Everything is sustainable. The term ‘Inclusive growth’ includes the overall development of population with correct wealth distribution, development of poor underprivileged , and deprived part of society by way of providing education for all, better agriculture production, and industrial development. Inclusive growth by its very definition implies an equitable allocation of resources with benefits incurred to every section of the society. But the allocation of resources must be focused on the intended short and long term benefits of the society such as availability of consumer goods, people access, employment, standard of living etc. It sets a direct relationship between macro and micro determinant of the economy and its growth. The micro dimension includes the structural transformation of the society and macro dimension includes the country’s gross national product (GNP) and gross domestic product (GDP). To maintain rapid and sustainable growth is some time very difficult this is because resources vapourises during the allocation and may give rise to negative externality such as rise in corruption which is major problem in the developing nation. But however it has created an environment of equality in opportunity in all dimension of livelihood. Such as employment creation, market, consumption, production, and has created a platform for people who are poor to access good standard of living. If we focus on the inequality between poor and rich household in a country we can reach to an optimal solution so that we can minimize the difference.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Market overview for elevator products and services

Market overview for elevator products and services Aggregate global demand for elevator / escalator products and services is projected to increase 5.6% per year through 2009 to more than $20 billion. Fueling gains will be economic recovery and expansion in the mature markets of the developed world, coupled with ongoing industrialization among the less advanced countries of Asia. The world elevator market rose at a relatively healthy pace throughout most of the 1990s in a generally sanguine global macroeconomic climate. Basically strong economic growth in developing countries was briefly interrupted in 1997-1998 by a financial crisis engulfing many East Asian and Latin Americans nations, as well as Russia. Fallout form the crisis continued to adversely impact the elevator market into 1999 and 2000, as trends in the elevator market tend to lag developments in the macro economy by a few years. Subsequently, as the emerging market began to recover, growth in Western Eur0pe and North America was depressed in the wake of the global economic slowdown precipitated in the US, although by 2004 a recovery was apparent in most markets. In the developed world, gains will reflect an expected recovery in office construction, as vacancy rates come down in major global financial centers such as Tokyo and London. Over the long term, development of the residential sector, especially in the largely untapped US market where single-family homes predominate, will also create opportunities, supported by again populations and regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. In Europe, adoption of new EU-wide safety regulations for existing lifts will bolster the modernization/upgrade service segment. The fastest growth is anticipated in the worlds developing regions Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. In developing countries, market expansion will reflect increased urbanization, as virtually all structures in large third-world cities require elevators. Aftermarket services are also not well established, even in more developed countries such as South Korea and hence offer a sizable potential market which major global suppliers such as OTIS are actively working to develop. China, which has already emerged as the largest global elevator market in unit terms, will continue to log explosive gains, with the genesis of a lucrative service aftermarket bolstering the robust OEM business. Almost half of the increase in passenger and freight elevator unit sales will be attributable to China, where per capita elevator use remains less than 10% of that typical of Western Europe. TABLE III 1 WORLD ELEVATOR MARKET BY REGION (billion dollars) Item 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 World Urban Population (mil persons) 2516 2811 3119 3443 3790 Bldg. Construct Expend (bil 2000$) 2900 3324 4254 5270 6661 $ elevator/urban capita 10 11 12 15 17 $ elevators/000$ construct 8.6 9.0 9.1 9.6 9.9 World Elevator Market 24.9 30.0 38.5 50.5 66.2 North America : 4.0 5.0 5.8 7.4 8.9 United States 3.6 4.5 5.1 6.5 7.8 Canada Mexico 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.1 Western Europe : 11.7 13.8 16.1 19.3 23.0 Asia/Pacific : 6.5 8.0 12.4 18.4 27.0 China 0.9 1.2 3.5 6.9 12.3 Japan 4.5 5.3 6.4 7.9 9.5 India 0.4 0.6 1.2 1.7 2.5 Other Asia/Pacific 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.9 2.7 Other Regions : 2.7 3.2 4.2 5.5 7.4 Latin America 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.5 Eastern Europe 1.2 1.4 1.8 2.3 3.0 Africa/Midest 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.9 Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc. CHART III 1 WORLD ELEVATOR MARKET BY REGION, 2009 ($50.5 billion) Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc. 3.1.1 Regional Profile Given the modernized economies, well-developed industrial and commercial sectors, prosperous consumer populations and highly evolved building/nonbuilding construction infrastructures in place throughout the developed world, most OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) countries maintain large markets for elevator/escalator products and services relative to population and size of the economy. These include the US, Western Europe, Japan (the largest global market in value terms, reflecting the countrys aged, urban population and stringent safety standards) and Australia and New Zealand. The nations of Eastern Europe, especially Russia and certain of the other more industrialized states of the former Soviet Union, also comprise markets of some significance, but they tend to be much smaller in both absolute and relative terms than those of the major Western countries. However, the fastest growing markets for elevator products and services are typically found within the developing regions, especially Asia and to a lesser extent Latin America and Africa/Mideast as well. As numerous countries within these regions work to industrialize their economies, they are facing rising infrastructure expansion and modernization requirements, which has led to extensive building construction activity. Another key aspect of the industrialization process in most countries is increasing urbanization, as individuals and households migrate from rural areas to cities to participate in the growing economic opportunities available there. Such dynamics are positively correlated to the development of markets for construction-related products like elevator systems; moreover, as the number of systems installed increases, markets for related maintenance/repair and eventually modernization, services tend to emerge as a matter of course. 3.1.2 Multinational Parameters Trade Flows Like most industries, the elevator business has become increasingly international in scope in recent decades. The physical nature of elevator / escalator system largely, bulky, involving numerous component parts, etc., renders them not easily transportable. In addition, elevator manufacturers often prefer to have local manufacturing capacity, which allows them to better satisfy local requirements (e.g., regulations and standards) and cultivate lucrative aftermarket service relationships. As such, foreign trade per se is not as extensive in the industry as in most durable goods manufacturing businesses. Foreign trade is some what more prevalent in the replacement parts and components segments of the business. However, multinational investment on part of the leading producers (and even a few of the mid-sized and smaller ones) is extremely prevalent. This takes the form of direct ownership of overseas based subsidiaries, manufacturing facilities and other assets and after sales servicing and technical support networks. Moreover, in recent years there has been an effort on the part of major producers such as OTIS and KONE to consolidate their global operations and shift production capacity to lower cost venues in the developing world, which has increased the importance of cross-border trade. As the global elevator industry continues to restructure and consolidate, the home base of operations of the major players is becoming increasingly less relevant to the competitive dynamics of the business, with a handful of multinational companies dominating the business in most geographic areas especially with respect to product manufacturing. The service segment remains considerably most fragmented, but it too is consolidating rapidly. As global companies manufacturer and install their systems in given countries, they have a direct incentive to invest in after sales servicing networks in these countries as well, which is also prompting consolidation in the service segment of the business. Such dynamics are expected to become more rather than less pronounced going forward, as the economics of the business favor large companies with a multinational reach. 3.2 Demand by Product Service Elevators, escalators and related products are used to physically move individuals, freight and sometimes other items from one place to another within a building, facility or some other designated place. The movement occurs either vertically (in the case of elevating and lifting equipment), at an incline (escalators) or horizontally (moving walkways). Elevators and escalators are thus integral components of many types of structures, especially those with multiple floors or levels and/or involving an extensive amount of physical space. Aggregate world demand for elevator products and services is projected to increase 5.6% per year through 2009 to more than $50 billion, an improvement from the 1994-2004 pace. Fueling gains will be an upswing in new system installations, accompanying expected recovery in nonresidential building activity in Japan, Western Europe and the Americas. This will help to offset some slowing in residential building construction, which is an important indicator of elevator demand outside of North America . Preventing faster gains especially on the products die is the high degree of maturity of the elevator / escalator market in the developed world, which has prompted leading vendors to target high growth markets in the Pacific Rim and other developing areas which hold the greatest potential for incremental increases in new installations going forward. Also fueling growth will be technological innovations in letter generation system including microprocessor based controls and sensors, remote monitoring, automated performance and generate further demand, at both the new installation and modernization/upgrade ends of the business. In addition, retrofits to comply with changing building codes and federal mandates will rejuvenate the upgrade/modernization services market, especially in North America and Western Europe. TABLE III 2 WORLD ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT SERVICE MARKET (billion dollars) Item 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 Bldg Construct Expend (bil 2000$) 2900 3324 4254 5270 6661 $ elevators/000$ construction 8.6 9.0 9.1 9.6 10.0 World Elevator Market 24.9 30.0 38.5 50.6 66.3 Equipment : 8.8 10.9 15.0 21.2 29.5 Passenger Freight 6.2 7.5 10.2 14.1 19.0 Escalators Moving Walkways 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.6 4.0 Parts Other 1.8 2.4 3.2 4.6 6.6 Services : 16.1 19.1 23.5 29.3 36.8 Installation 2.6 3.2 4.1 5.5 7.3 Modernization Repair 13.4 16.0 19.4 23.8 29.5 Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc CHART III-2 WORLD ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT SERVICE MARKET, 1994-2014 (billion dollars) Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc. 3.2.1 Equipment World demand for elevator and escalator products totaled $15 billion in 2004 billion in 2004, accounting for approximately 40% of the total elevator/escalator market. For present purposes, elevator products are defined to include passenger and freight elevators and associated products. Demand is projected to post a 7.1% per annum increase through 2009 to $21.2 billion. Growth will stem from improving cyclical dynamics, in particular a revival in nonresidential construction spending especially in the key office/commercial/lodging and industrial building sectors. Gains will be best for machine room less (MRL) elevators, which will benefit from expansion of the global retail and (especially) transportation sectors. 3.2.2 Passenger Freight Elevators Global demand for passenger and freight elevators is projected to rise 5.7% per annum through 2009 to almost 4,40,000 units, of which over 60% will be the newer machine room less (MRL) type. Along with improving cyclical dynamics and continued secular growth in the developing world, gains will be fueled by increased penetration of less traditional market segments, such as single-family residences. The latter is a key consideration in North America, where single family housing is more prevalent than in Europe and Asia. Even in the latter regions, however, again of the population will create opportunities in the residential segment, as elevators are increasingly designed into low-rise buildings which would previously have relied exclusively on staircases. As a result, the installed base will expand from 7.4 million units in 2004 to 9.2 million in 2009. In value terms, demand for passenger and freight elevators will grow 6.6% per year to $14 billion in 2009. While intense global competition and greater reliance on low footprint units will hold down cost increases, higher fuel and energy costs and the expanding technical complexity of latter generation elevator system, which can be priced at a premium relative to earlier designs, will contribute to price inflation. Passenger and freight elevators, as the name implies, are general purpose lifting systems designed to vertically transport individuals and commodities between different floors or levels within a single building or facility. From a technological standpoint, essentially all modern passenger and freight elevators are either the hydraulic (powered by pressurized liquid) or traction (electric powered) type; the latter can be either geared or gearless. Hydraulic came into prominence during the 1950sm surpassing the geared market which was prominent prior to that time and remain the dominant type in the US. Traditional traction elevators remain in broader use in Europe and Asia, although in Europe they have been widely supplanted by MRLs since the mid 1990s. The newer MRL elevator types incorporate the gears and control into the elevator shaft, rather than a separate machine room, and hence provide greater design flexibility, as well as energy and (in some cases) cost savings. MRLs have made significant inroads in Western Europe and will continue to penetrate North America, Asia and other regions. Moreover, while initially suited only for buildings upto 7 stories, MRLs have not been adapted for use upto about 25 stories, substantially broadening the potential market. TABLE III 3 WORLD PASSENGER FREIGHT ELEVATOR MARKET (million dollars) Item 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 World Elevator Market 24893 30015 38536 50550 66300 % Passenger Freight 24.8 25.1 26.5 27.8 28.6 Passenger/Freight Elevator Market 6175 7532 10220 14050 18950 North America : 665 977 1160 1700 2100 United States 585 873 1000 1480 1800 Canada Mexico 80 104 160 220 300 Western Europe 2155 2645 3125 3940 4850 Asia/Pacific : 2575 2975 4660 6650 9525 China 425 550 1600 2800 4700 Japan 1650 1800 2000 2325 2700 India 220 305 470 745 950 Other Asia/Pacific : 280 320 590 780 1175 Other Regions : 780 935 1275 1760 2475 Latin America 305 360 450 615 840 Eastern Europe 265 275 425 595 825 Africa/Midest 210 300 400 550 810 000$/Unit 31.8 33.0 30.8 32.0 33.0 P/F Elevator Market (000 Units) 194 228 332 439 575 Machine Room 194 203 232 164 100 Machine Room Less 25 100 275 475 % New 3.8 3.8 4.5 4.8 4.9 P/F Elev. Installed Base (000 Units) 5120 6035 7355 9220 11700 Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc. Elevator related service revenues are generated when new systems are installed and then subsequently as installed systems are repaired and maintained over their useful lives. Major renovations or upgrades on existing systems are oftern undertaken as well; for present purposes this type of activity is classified under repair/modernization. Not surprisingly given their much larger installed base, elevating/lifting systems account for a substantially higher share of the total service market than escalators and moving walkways, in both the new installation and repair/modernization segments. TABLE III 4 WORLD ELEVATOR SERVICE MARKET BY TYPE (billion dollars) Item 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 World Elevator Market 24893 30015 38536 50550 66300 % Services 64.6 63.7 61.0 58.0 55.5 Elevator Service Market 16.1 19.1 23.5 29.3 36.8 Installation 2.6 3.2 4.1 5.5 7.3 Repair Modernization 13.4 16.0 19.4 23.8 29.5 Repair Maintenance 11.6 13.5 15.8 18.3 21.0 Modernization/Upgrade 1.8 2.5 3.6 5.5 8.5 Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc. 3.2.3 Installation World revenues generated from the installation of new elevator/escalators systems are projected to increase 6.1% per year through 2009 to $5.5 billion. Installation revenues will grow somewhat more slowly than will new elevator and escalator equipment demand. This reflects the fact that elevator/escalator vendors have been working aggressively in recent years to lower the installation costs of their system, in orde3r to increase new business volume. TABLE III 5 WORLD ELEVATOR INSTALLATION REVENUES BY REGION (million dollars) Item 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 World Elevator Service Market 16079 19118 23491 29300 36800 % Installations 16.5 16.5 17.4 18.8 19.7 Installation Revenues 2650 3153 4087 5500 7245 North America : 372 484 530 735 880 United States 338 440 464 650 765 Canada Mexico 34 44 66 85 115 Western Europe 963 1162 1350 1670 2020 Asia/Pacific : 1093 1236 1831 2570 3600 China 144 188 563 1025 1725 Japan 752 804 872 990 1120 India 87 126 168 255 345 Other Asia/Pacific : 110 128 228 300 410 Other Regions : 222 271 376 525 745 Latin America 81 97 123 170 235 Eastern Europe 80 86 134 190 265 Africa/Midest 61 88 119 165 245 Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc. 3.2.4 Repair Modernization Revenues derived from the provision of repair, maintenance and upgrade/modernization services on existing elevator/escalator system are projected to increase 4.2% per annum through 2009 to $23.8 billion, which compares favorably to longer term historical norms. Repair and maintenance revenues will expand just 3.0% per annum to $18.3 billion in 2009, trailing all other product and service segments. In much of the developing world, maintenance spending is perceived as an unaffordable luxury; building owners and managers tend to wait for an elevator to fail before they will invest in maintenance/repair. However, there is evidence that this is beginning to change as major Western and Japanese elevator companies work to educate their equipment customers about the importance of routine servicing. Service requirements tend to be highest in Japan, where for cultural reasons elevator failures are considered to be unacceptable. As in case of elevator and escalator systems themselves, the provision of related repair/maintenance services has benefited significantly in recent years from the application of a advanced technology. What has become especially prominent of late are computer based monitoring tools that can detect system faults (or even potential faults) and alert service technicians immediately. Repair/maintenance services can be performed on a contract basis, or on an as needed service call basis for building owners and other operators that do not maintain contracts. In addition, there is considerable potential for business activity on the modernization upgrade side of this market, in terms of retrofitting existing systems to be compatible with new building codes, the Americans with Disability Act (in the US), the safety Norm for Existing Lifts 9SNEL-in Western Europe) and other mandates. A number of the leading elevator vendors have in recent years launched modernization packages designed specifically to comply with the requirements of these mandates. Examples include Schindlers SCHINDLER 6200 and KONEs MAXISPACE. The latter allows users to replace a 4 passenger car with a 6 or even 8 passenger lift. More generally, numerous building owners will want to upgrade existing elevator/escalator systems to incorporate the latest technological advances along such parameters as improved safety and enhanced performance and energy efficiency characteristics, and this will provide further momentum to the repair/modernization service market overall. Modernization revenues are forecast to rise 8.8% annually through 2009 to $5.5 billion, making this the fastest growing segment of the elevator business. Modernization projects can range from replacing controls and interior fittings, to installing new doors or other structural components, to incorporating advanced electronics based sensors and monitoring tools, to complete renovations of entire elevator cabs or replacement of escalator stairs. TABLE III 6 WORLD ELEVATOR REPAIR MODERNIZATION REVENUES BY REGION (million dollars) Item 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 World Elevator Service Market 16079 19118 23491 29300 36800 % Repair Modernization 83.5 83.5 82.6 81.2 80.0 Repair Modernization 13429 15965 19404 23800 29450 North America : 2518 2981 3529 4190 5025 United States 2217 2646 3145 3735 4485 Canada Mexico 301 335 384 455 540 Western Europe 7731 8918 10355 12115 14240 Asia/Pacific : 1848 2492 3609 5110 7165 China 55 110 270 645 1350 Japan 1516 1957 2664 3430 4275 India 42 95 210 410 745 Other Asia/Pacific : 235 330 465 625 795 Other Regions : 1332 1574 1911 2385 3020 Latin America 472 554 688 865 1095 Eastern Europe 742 852 983 1180 1445 Africa/Midest 118 168 240 340 480 Source : The Freedonia Group, Inc. 3.3 Demand by Market Elevator related products and services are utilized in a broad array of buildings and facilities featuring multiple floors or levels, as well as in certain single-floor and even non-building type settings. Large, well-trafficked facilities with multiple levels office buildings, institutions such as hospitals and schools, department stores and other retail establishments, hotels and motels, factories and warehouses, etc., tend to be the most intensive users of elevator products and services.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Parking the Car :: Short Story New York Papers

Parking the Car Today has been like most days. I wandered in a dreamlike state from class to class, across a campus with falling fiery leaves, up three flights of beer-stained stairs, into a room littered with the debris of my chaotic existence, and straight back into a chronically unmade bed. I chased images and thoughts in my mind, getting nowhere, while faintly aware of music drifting from my computer. I closed my eyes without trying, and dreamt without sleeping, and thought without thinking real thoughts. I spent as much time luxuriating in nothingness as I could, before the bar of guilt and responsibility clamped down on my shoulders, compelling me to do homework, to think about thinking. Now it is back to nothingness. I am lying on our dorm room floor delighting in an unexpected snack. "This is damn good stuff," I say, shoving a tortilla heaped in salsa into my greedy mouth. "This is amazing," Thea agrees, shutting her eyes to intensify the already orgasmic experience of eating homemade chunky salsa. I disregard the desperate and pained pleas of my hall mates as small pieces of tomato fly from my overloaded tortilla onto the rug. The poor chip is terribly weighed down and breaking under the pressure, causing salsa to slide off on all sides. I remember that in a moment of frenzied sanitary obsession last week, I actually cleaned the toilet. There is, therefore, no reason to be clean now. I recline in a salsa-induced stupor, squinting in vague curiosity at a plate of cookies in the kitchen. I try to ignore them, but I just can't. Eat us, they hiss. I saunter lethargically into the kitchen and engage in a momentary face-off with the provocative plate of cookies. My heart speeds up for a moment as I weigh the attributes of each cookie. I don't want to make a mistake and take the wrong cookie. That always happens, and I end up resenting my cookie and asking it why it can't be more like the other cookies. I finally settle on the biggest one, though it does seem to have fewer raisins than the others, a drawback that bothers me. Nonetheless, I secure my fingers around the cookie in a defensive death-grip, which means I'll be eating a cookie as well as a little bit of everything else I've touched today. Oh well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Original Writing :: Plagiarism Influence Authors Argumentative Essays

Original Writing My writing as a poet has been heavily influenced by writers like Langston Hughes, Nikki Giovanni, Alice Walker and Slam poets such as Black Thought and the Last Poets. These writers write and speak about the struggles and uniqueness of Black culture. Their individual experiences and political stances as well as the influences of other artist are evident in their work. For example in Giovanni’s poem â€Å"Revolutionary Music† she quotes some of the lyrics from Sam Cooke and James Brown to illustrate her personal views on racism and the equal rights movements. Hughes in his piece titled â€Å"Message to the President† skillfully incorporates the political events of his time into his poem using it to sardonically articulate his view on racial inequalities that were occurring in his time. Black Thought and the Last Poets utilize jazz and urban hip hop along with their idea of Black to relay their message. In writing my individual poems, I find it difficult not to incorporate the style of the writers mentioned. I gained my consciousness of Black culture and struggle through the words of these writers their ideas have no choice but to be reflected in my own writing. I wrote a piece titled â€Å"Books not Bombs† which originated during the time the troops were being sent to Iraq to fight a war that was unnecessary in my opinion. The students at my high school and schools around the city were walking out of class to protest in city hall; however, we were told that we would be suspended by the principal if we left. I felt that the administration was silencing our voices by holding us with the threat of suspension. In this poem I used a line from a local pop song from the group OutKast, â€Å"They’re throwing bombs over Baghdad, but what about the bombs that are exploding right here, right now†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Using this mimics Giovanni and Hughes’ incorporation of musica l lyrics of the time to make the piece relatable to the intended audience. I was also influenced by the social political climate that was being hotly debated at the time (war). My particular social influence is reflective of Robert P. Yagelski’s essay â€Å"Who’s Afraid of Subjectivity†. In his essay he used Donald Murray’s experience of writing and rewriting his piece which was reflective of his war years and the political controversy of his time. â€Å"†¦which provided impetus to write the poem and helped and helped shape the very content of the poem.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Robert Andrew Millikan Essay -- essays research papers

Robert Andrew Millikan In 1909 Robert Andrew Millikan set up an apparatus to measure the charge of an electron within an accuracy range of 3%. In 1913 he came out with a value of the electrical charge that would serve the world of science for a generation. Young Millikan had a childhood like most others: he had no idea what his profession would be. Once he recalled trying to jump from a rowboat to a dock, falling in the water, and almost drowning. Here he had his first account with physics - Newton’s Third Law of Motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Even in High School Physics courses Millikan was not so spirited, which may have had a little to do with his teacher’s habit of spending the summers using a divining rod to find water. After Millikan graduated from Maquoketa High he was accepted into Oberlin College. Robert actually began his physics career when he taught an elementary course at the request of his Greek professor during his sophomore year. He then transferred to Columbia University from which he graduated in 1893 as the only student graduate in physics. After this accomplishment Millikan travelled to Germany to study with such professors Planck and others. When this period was on his resume Millikan was offered a position in the Physics department at the University of Chicago and Millikan took it. After teaching for a period Millikan decided that physics could o...

Indian Price Rises

Rising Price in India wrote by : MILAN CHATERJEE ,india from : http://www. publishyourarticles. org/eng/articles/rising-price-in-india. html Today, India is facing many problems – the problem of corruption, the problem of unemployment, the problem of illiteracy, the problem of population, so on and so forth. The problem of rising prices is one of the most important problems that Indian is facing now. This problem is two-fold to check the rising prices and, if possible, to bring the prices down. The economists are of opinion that growing economy of the country has given rise to the rising prices. Such economy causes inflation.In inflation purchasing power runs ahead of purchasable goods. In other words, in a growing country, the supply of money increase at once but the supply of goods takes time to increase. Again the population has increased. This has further increased inflation. Because of growing population the current corruption is increasing. There is another cause of risi ng prices. The production of consumption goods has been very slowly rising. Our plants are also responsible for the present food situation. High targets were set to be achieved in defense and development. Levels of outlay on the development were suggested.No consideration was given to the existing state of economy. The pressure on real resources has been increasing. The gap between the return and investment also has its effect upon the present price situation. Thirdly, the kind of system of Government is liable to inflation. Restraint cannot be exercised in spending. Often it happens that claims have to be met mainly allocating funds. In the period of rising prices, the rich got richer and poor, poorer. The rich own the means of production. They pay the laborers handsomely. But they take of the left hand what they gave with right hand.The cost of goods swells up. The prices naturally go up. What his master gives him, the market takes. Rising prices encourage hoarding, profiteering, black –marketing and corruption. They discourage export. They cause devaluation of currency. Lastly, they seriously disrupt equitable distribution of wealth. The problem is very dangerous. It needs measures – short and long term, to be adopted. These measures include as appeal mixed up with threat to the sellers, raids on go downs and other hoards of grain, the seizing of black, the cut of Rs 400 crores in central expenditure, the ncrease in bank rates to 5 %, the opining of fair price shops, the rationing of provisions, the imports of food-grains from some foreign counties, the curbing of unproductive expenditure by the Government, the readjustment in the scale of pay and the emphasis on small plants. The short term measure will help the government to hold the price-line. The long term measures will help the government to withdraw the huge amount of money pumped into circulation during the last year. Corruption has also given rise to rising prices. Analyze the news In dia has been having this economic cycle for centuries.But the issue of price of goods has been rising in India had been considered just a while ago. In the past, this economic cycle started with the problem of its population. The inequality distribution of wealth makes the poor suffer from starving as they do not have money to buy food or clothes. On the other hand, the rich just kept taking advantage of whomever underneath them. Nowadays, India has been intervened by other countries that want to help to improve the quality of life of the poor in India. Due to the better quality living of the people, they seem to have more purchasing power than before.The growing population in India, is also the result of improving quality of life, is creating a shortage of consumption goods. Because the demand increase rapidly more than the supply of goods. The increasing of population also creates more corruptions between the government and the investors, because rising price guides them the ways of making more benefits. These all situations have just creating further problems continuously from the past. It seems like these problem would never end because if they cannot fix one spot on the cycle, the other spot would never be solved.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Post Colonialism in Skin of a Lion

Eng Seminar Post-colonialism – is an academic discipline that comprises methods of intellectual discourse that present analyses of, and responses to, the cultural legacies of colonialism and of imperialism, which draw from different post-modern schools of thought. Post-colonial Literature – addresses the problems and consequences of the de-colonization of a country and of a nation. The characters of his novels are mainly among the immigrants, the colonized, and the oppressed that are suffering from the loss of true self and identity.Therefore, it is demonstrated that colonialism will continue its banal effects on individual’s lives and identities by entangling them in an unhealthy state of mind like double consciousness. In the novel, In the Skin of a Lion, Patrick who is the main character finds himself an outsider in the society and tries to measure himself through the other’s look —————————à ¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Top of Form Bottom of Form Postcolonial criticism, like postmodern criticism, rejects the universal and large scale in preference for the local and specific.In  In the Skin of a Lion  Ondaatje challenges the dominant narratives and gives a voice to the untold stories of the colonized. Ashcroft et al in  Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies  define post colonialism as dealing with â€Å"the effects of colonization on cultures and societies† (p. 186) and post colonial reading as â€Å"a way of reading and rereading texts†¦ to draw deliberate attention to the profound and inescapable effects of colonization on literary production; anthropological accounts; historical records; administrative and scientific writing† (p. 92). A postcolonial reading also rejects the universalism inherent in the liberal humanist readings of traditional criticism in favour of an acceptance of issues of cultural difference in literary texts. Culture itself is seen as a web of conflicting discourses. Thus it champions a celebration of hybridity and encourages a writing back from the margin or periphery to the centre. Canada has a history of resistance to colonialism.If you are applying a postcolonial reading then you should examine the novel for what it says about the dominant political and economic structures and how these serve the interests of the dominant class. Of course this leads us into a  Marxist reading  of the novel which would focus on the conflict of class interest and the oppression of the working classes. Marxist critics would say that all texts must be read in relation to the society in which they were composed and because writing is a political act criticism should be political as well. Patrick sat on a bench and watched the tides of movement, felt the reverberations of trade. He spoke out his name and it struggled up in a hollow echo and was lost in the high air of Union Station. No one turned. They were in the belly of the whale† (54) â€Å"The form of a city changes faster than the human heart† (109) â€Å"The southeastern section of the city where he now lived was made up mostly of immigrants and he walked everywhere not hearing any language he knew, deliriously anonymous. The people of the street, the Macedonians and Bulgarians, were his only mirror.He worked in the tunnels with them† (112) Temelcoff is a navy: â€Å"a man is an extension of hammer, drill, flame† (Ondaatje 26) Nicholas Temelcoff is famous on the bridge, a daredevil. He is given all the difficult jobs and he takes them. He descends into the air with no fear. He is a solitary. He assembles ropes, brushes the tackle and pulley at his waist, and falls off the bridge like a diver over the edge of a boat. The rope roars alongside him, slowing with the pressure of his half-gloved hands.He is burly on the ground and then falls with terrific speed, grace, using the wind t o push himself into corners of abutments so he can check driven rivets, sheering valves, the drying of the concrete under bearing plates and pad stones. (34) â€Å"I will tell you about the rich,† Alice would say, â€Å"the rich are always laughing. They keep on saying the same things on their boats and lawns: Isn’t this grand! We’re having a good time! And whenever the rich get drunk and maudlin about humanity you have to listen for hours. But they keep you in the tunnels and stockyards. They do not toil or spin. Remember that. † (132)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mummion risk assessment Essay

ChemicalProced-ure or equipm-ent Risks Precautions to be taken Safety regulations Concentrated sulphuric acid Test tube and pipette Corrosive skin and toxic if swollen Wear goggles and gloves when In contact with thisKeep locked up. Keep container dry. Do not ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapour/spray. Never add water to this product. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show The container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, reducing Agents, combustible materials, organic materials, metals, acids, alkalis, moisture. May corrode metallic surfaces. Silver nitrate solution Test tube Toxic Avoid being in physical contact with this as it can stain skin and clothing but this is not so dangerous If this product comes in contact with the eyes immediately flush the eyes with water to prevent this always wear goggles. If this product is inhaled remove from contaminated area in serious cases, it is advisable to take the person to hospital. Nitric acidTest tube Corrosive on skin and toxic if swollen Wear goggles and a lab coat to prevent physical contact Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water for at least 30 minutes and lift lower and upper eyelid as you are showering the eye. Barium chloride Test tube Toxic to the gut Avoid skin and eye contact. Avoid inhalation or ingestion of the powder. ¬ immediately wash Skin, eyes or the affected area with large amounts of water until all evidence of the chemical has been removed (approximately 15 minutes). If irritation or pain persist seek medical attention Cyclohexane Test tube Toxic Eye and skin contact with liquid causes pain and irritation. Repeated skin contact degreases the skin and may cause cracking Ammonia Test tube Toxic May explode if heated for too long. Corrosive to eyes and skin and toxic if inhaled Immediately rinse the affected area with Luke warm water until the burning or irritation is relieved. Hydrochloric acid Pipette, test tube Corrosive on skin and toxic if swollen A lab coat and goggles should be worn and if it’s a stronger concentration of HCl, nitrile gloves and a fume hood should be used.In the eye Flood the eye with gently-running tap water for 10 minutes. See a doctor. †¢ Vapour breathed in Remove to fresh air. Call a  doctor if breathing is difficult. †¢ Swallowed Do no more than wash out the mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting. Sips of water may help cool the throat and help keep the airway open

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour Essay

Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 1. Utilitarianism 2. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 3. Virtue Ethics 4. Medical Ethics 5. Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. 6. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. 7. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 8. 9. Utilitarianism 10. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 11. Virtue Ethics 12. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 13. Utilitarianism 14. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 15. Virtue Ethics 16. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 17. Utilitarianism 18. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 19. Virtue Ethics 20. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 21. Utilitarianism 22. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 23. Virtue Ethics 24. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the  nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 25. Utilitarianism 26. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 27. Virtue Ethics 28. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 29. Utilitarianism 30. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 31. Virtue Ethics 32. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each  individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 33. Utilitarianism 34. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 35. Virtue Ethics 36. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 37. Utilitarianism 38. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 39. Virtue Ethics 40. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International  Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 41. Utilitarianism 42. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 43. Virtue Ethics 44. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 45. Utilitarianism 46. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 47. Virtue Ethics 48. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 49. Utilitarianism 50. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 51. Virtue Ethics 52. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 53. Utilitarianism 54. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 55. Virtue Ethics 56. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 57. Utilitarianism 58. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 59. Virtue Ethics 60. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 61. Utilitarianism 62. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 63. Virtue Ethics 64. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 65. Utilitarianism 66. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 67. Virtue Ethics 68. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual  living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 69. Utilitarianism 70. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 71. Virtue Ethics 72. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 73. Utilitarianism 74. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 75. Virtue Ethics 76. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of  the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 77. Utilitarianism 78. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 79. Virtue Ethics 80. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 81. Utilitarianism 82. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 83. Virtue Ethics 84. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to  give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 85. Utilitarianism 86. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 87. Virtue Ethics 88. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 89. Utilitarianism 90. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 91. Virtue Ethics 92. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 93. Utilitarianism 94. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 95. Virtue Ethics 96. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 97. Utilitarianism 98. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 99. Virtue Ethics 100. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 101. Utilitarianism 102. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 103. Virtue Ethics 104. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 105. Utilitarianism 106. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 107. Virtue Ethics 108. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 109. Utilitarianism 110. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 111. Virtue Ethics 112. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The  patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 113. Utilitarianism 114. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 115. Virtue Ethics 116. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 117. Utilitarianism 118. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 119. Virtue Ethics 120. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker.  It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 121. Utilitarianism 122. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 123. Virtue Ethics 124. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 125. Utilitarianism 126. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 127. Virtue Ethics 128. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic  care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 129. Utilitarianism 130. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 131. Virtue Ethics 132. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 133. Utilitarianism 134. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 135. Virtue Ethics 136. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 137. Utilitarianism 138. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 139. Virtue Ethics 140. Medical Ethics Ethic is concerned about the study of human behaviour. It provides a structure for dealing different kinds of issues, dilemmas and problems. Understanding the ethical concepts help the individual to decide the necessary action provide in the situation. According to the International Council of Nurses (1973), it is the healthcare workers responsibilities to give quality of care to prevent the infection and to ensure the holistic care of the patient. Hand hygiene practice is the responsibility of each individual who is working in the healthcare settings. The quality of care of the patient relies on personal beliefs and values of the healthcare worker. It is the right of responsibility of the healthcare workers including the nursing students to work with proper safety precaution. Every individual living in Finland has the right to receive a proper treatment and care. The patient will receive quality of care without further complications and prevention of infections during hospitalization 141. Utilitarianism 142. Duty Ethics (Deontology) 143. Virtue Ethics 144. Medical Ethics 145.