Monday, April 29, 2019

Critical Thinking And True Friendship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Thinking And True Friendship - raise ExampleLoyalty and guarding each others secrets is of high importance and when this loyalty is broken, a life-time friendship can be broken.Last holi solar day, I visited my best friend at their house where I was to stay for a whole week. Prior to the visit, I had noted that my friend was behaving weirdly. He was missing classes and had started break out with the wrong group of people. He had begun failing his classes and had a bulk of work that needed to be done but was not even taking time to do. When I asked him, what is issue on he gave me evasive answers. I did not disclose my observations to anyone and I remained silent. A mutual friend had told me that he had seen him abusing drugs and this was serious too much for me to believe. Confused and not knowing what to do, I knew that he needed me now to a greater extent than ever and I had to help him.The visit came at the right moment and I knew I was going to use this opportunity to find out was really going on. In one of the drawers in his closet, I found a pack of cigarettes and alcohol. I did not approach him immediately and all day I took time to critically think about what approach I was going to use to deposit him to open up to me. He likes pics and this was going to be my approach. I went to the movie store and bought a movie of a teenager who was abusing drugs and who later reformed after going for counseling and healing. This was in relation to his line of work of lowliness caused by the divorce of his parents and his upbringing in a foster home. After watching the movie, he became stirred up and that is when I approached him and he finally opened up to me.His parents were getting divorced and he was feeling truly depressed and did not know how to best deal with it.

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